von vanil

spectral madness

Original series made from 2016. Bust, painted character with spectral hands and attribute. Every character gets a title from a song that suits them.

Caim Malware

Painting/illustration type with glitch and textures.

realistic portraits

Digital painting based on a photo.

Fanarts from The Umbrella Academy Netflix series, season 1

looney painting

Painting/illustration type

Distorted LineArt

Lineart, full shaded type

Magic Moon Week 2019

Sketchy style

Monotone sketch, shaded by pencil

Done commissions

Covers for e-books, books and for promotional materials for polish writer - SilencioYou can see her works here: bucketbook (only PL)

Commissions not included in other sections


(PL) Konkurs na fanart ze świata Thornu stworzonego przez Anetę Jadowską organizowany przez wydawnictwo SQN. Konkurs został przeze mnie wygrany, a ilustracja została opublikowana w książce "Przygody Małego Duchołapa".
(ENG) A fanart competition from the world of Thorn created by Aneta Jadowska, organized by the SQN publishing house. I won the competition, and the illustration was published in the book "Przygody Małego Duchołapa".


Fanzine is a a non-professional and non-official publication produced by a fans. I took part in projects with Boku no Hero Academia and Genshin Impact.My experience:
Finished and released: Viatrix Caeli: a Chilumi Zine, Assorted Starglitter - Collected Miscellany's applicant-only side zine, BNHA Cookbooks presents Chibi Chiefers, Serenity 💚A BNHA Self Care Zine, Hero Network: BNHA Pro Hero Cookbook Zine, Instinct: A BKDKBK A/B/O Zine,
Finished, but not released yet: REDACTED: a BKDK SCP Zine,
Creation Period: Eidolon: a TDBKDK Ghost Zine, Domme: a BNHA Femdom Zine
Works that I can show:

Hand painted wooden boxes

Selling them and so much more on my Etsy shop!

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